
About Me

Well, hello! Welcome to Fresh from the Stacks, the blog of a book addict and rookie librarian with a sizable sweet-tooth.  Since you have come to this page, I'm going to make a dangerous assumption that you are interested in learning a bit more about this blog and its humble creator.

So, firstly, what is this blog all about?

Primarily this blog is about reading and the library life, especially in relation to youth/teen services.  Book reviews make up a lot of the blog's content; I mainly review young adult (YA) lit but the occasionally books aimed at younger or older readers will appear as well.  I mostly review fiction but again non-fiction, especially non-fiction that is related to teens and/or libraries, will pop up from time to timeI also post sometimes about current events or news in the library world and programming ideas for kids or teens as well as non-print media related to teens.  

Finally, I would like to note that my book reviews primarily use photos from and links to Amazon. While I do get a very small profit if someone follows the link from my site and purchases the book at Amazon, I'm really just encouraging you to get your hands on the book in any way possible; buy or borrow yer books where ye may! This blog is definitely not written to make money. 

Secondly, who are you?!

In the magical land of the internet, I generally go by 'onesmartcupcake,' but in the world outside the computer, my name is Kelly.  As of August 2011, I'm beginning my first year as Assistant Librarian at an independent school in DC.  I have loved reading and libraries basically since birth. But even more than I love reading, I love placing great books in other people's hands!  I read a little of everything but my major interests are YA lit, fantasy and science fiction, historical fiction, and mysteries.  I love to bake (especially cupcakes and cookies!), knit, write, draw/paint, and sing.  I make attempts to do yoga and occasionally bellydance. I love a good story in any media so I have many t.v. and film obsessions in addition to my enormous number of book-related ones. 

I began "Fresh from the Stacks" in June 2010 after about a year of thinking about the idea of starting a blog.  I decided to start blogging for many reasons, the main ones being that I admired the way book blogs provide a new way to interact with people and media and that I really wanted to join in the awesome interactions going on in the book and librarian blogging worlds. So here I am, still getting the hang of things but learning fast :) 

Currently, I get all the books I review from personal purchase, a local library, or (occasionally) as ARCs from publishers.  Also, the opinions expressed here are mine and in no way reflect or represent any library, school, or organization to which I am affiliated. It's all me and my somewhat long-winded thoughts here!